同学们,我们目前已经完成了 TMS 的文件操作等。在最后一次迭代 TMS-4 中,我们将会实现收藏商品、序列化等一系列相关命令。
在开始编写代码之前,建议大家先仔细阅读需求说明和文末的 HINTS,再开始编写代码。编写好的代码需要经过 patpat 评测。通过所有的测试点后,需将整个项目文件打包上传到云平台,即可完成本次实验。希望大家能够认真完成,不作弊不抄袭。
需求 | 命令符 | 说明 |
新增 | favoriteCommodity | 收藏商品 |
新增 | cancelFavoriteCommodity | 取消收藏商品 |
新增 | listFavoriteCommodity | 查看收藏商品 |
新增 | uploadFavoriteCommodity | 上传收藏商品 |
新增 | readFavoriteCommodity | 读取收藏商品 |
新增 | buyFavoriteCommodity | 购买收藏商品 |
命令符 | 参数1 | 参数2 | 参数3 |
favoriteCommodity | 店铺编号 | 商品编号 | 商品数量 |
1.2.1 收藏成功
1 | Favorite commodity success |
1.2.2 参数数量不合法
1 | Illegal argument count |
1.2.3 未登录
1 | Please log in first |
1.2.4 登录用户身份不为 Customer
1 | Permission denied |
1.2.5 店铺编号不合法
1 | Illegal shop id |
1.2.6 店铺不存在
1 | Shop id not exists |
1.2.7 商品编号不合法
1 | Illegal commodity id |
1.2.8 商品不存在、不属于当前店铺
1 | Commodity id not exists |
1.2.9 商品数量不合法(参考上架商品)
1 | Illegal commodity quantity |
命令符 | 参数1 | 参数2 |
cancelFavoriteCommodity | 店铺编号 | 商品编号 |
2.2.1 收藏成功
1 | Cancel favorite commodity success |
2.2.2 参数不合法
1 | Illegal argument count |
2.2.3 未登录
1 | Please log in first |
2.2.4 登录用户身份不为 Customer
1 | Permission denied |
2.2.5 店铺编号不合法
1 | Illegal shop id |
2.2.6 商品编号不合法
1 | Illegal commodity id |
2.2.7 商品未收藏
1 | Favorite not exists |
命令符 | 参数 |
listFavoriteCommodity | 无 |
3.2.1 成功输出信息格式为
1 | shopId: commodityId 商品收藏数量 commodityPrice(单位为 yuan,保留两位小数) |
1 | S-2: C-1 20 20.00yuan |
3.2.2 参数不合法
1 | Illegal argument count |
3.2.3 未登录
1 | Please log in first |
3.2.4 登录用户身份不为 Customer
1 | Permission denied |
3.2.5 无收藏商品
1 | Favorite not exists |
命令符 | 参数1 |
uploadFavoriteCommodity | 路径 |
路径下。例如:若路径为 ./help.txt
;若路径为 data/help.txt
,则序列化文件保存路径为 ./data/data/help.txt
。4.2.1 成功输出信息
1 | Upload favorite commodity success |
4.2.2 参数不合法
1 | Illegal argument count |
4.2.3 未登录
1 | Please log in first |
4.2.4 登录用户身份不为 Customer
1 | Permission denied |
4.2.5 无收藏商品
1 | Favorite not exists |
4.2.6 文件操作失败
1 | File operation failed |
命令符 | 参数1 |
readFavoriteCommodity | 路径 |
5.2.1 成功输出信息
1 | Read favorite commodity success |
5.2.2 参数不合法
1 | Illegal argument count |
5.2.3 未登录
1 | Please log in first |
5.2.4 登录用户身份不为 Customer
1 | Permission denied |
5.2.5 文件不存在
1 | File not exists |
5.2.6 文件操作失败
1 | File operation failed |
命令符 | 参数 |
buyFavoriteCommodity | 无参数 |
6.2.1 单件商品购买成功
1 | OrderId: shopId commodityId commodityQuantity cost(单位为yuan,保留两位小数) orderStatus |
6.2.2 参数不合法
1 | Illegal argument count |
6.2.3 未登录
1 | Please log in first |
6.2.4 登录用户身份不为 Customer
1 | Permission denied |
6.2.5 无收藏商品
1 | Favorite not exists |
1 | register 047417901855 qcCJQVCAo M1_@%i4@%$_%n M1_@%i4@%$_%n Merchant |
作为结语,这里引用 Frederick P. Brooks Jr. 的软件工程著作《人月神话》(The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering)中关于 Second-System Effect 的一段内容,希望对你有所帮助。😉
"The general tendency of a first system is to be excessively ambitious in scope and functionality. The first system is usually built with a certain naivety and enthusiasm, where all the desired features and capabilities are included. However, due to time constraints, limited resources, and a lack of experience, the first system often falls short of expectations. It may be late, over budget, and contain numerous defects.
However, the trap lies not in the failure of the first system itself, but in the reaction to that failure. The natural inclination is to start afresh and build a second system, believing that the lessons learned from the first system will lead to a better and more perfect result. This is where the second-system effect comes into play. The engineers tend to overcompensate for the perceived shortcomings of the first system and include excessive features, complexity, and unnecessary embellishments in the second system.
The second system, in turn, becomes bloated, difficult to manage, and prone to delays and defects. The engineers, driven by their desire to address all the perceived deficiencies of the first system, lose sight of the essential simplicity and focus that should guide their efforts.
Recognizing this trap and resisting the temptation to overdesign and overcomplicate the second system is crucial for successful software development. It is important to strike a balance between learning from the mistakes of the first system and maintaining a pragmatic and disciplined approach to design and implementation."